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Gestión del concurso

Front page of the QUESTOURnament


The header contains a summary of the status of the contest, the start and end dates, the limit of accepted responses to each challenge and the forms containing the evaluation criteria.
A form is used for the teacher to evaluate the challenges provided by the students. This form is common to the entire competition.
Another form is used to evaluate responses to challenges. The teacher creates an initial form that the author of the challenge can customize to better suit each challenge.

Classification by points

In addition to the general description of the competition, the classification (individual or team) is displayed in real time. This classification serves to encourage the involvement of the students with the activity, allowing comparison with the other participants.
You can choose the number of scores to show and there is a link to see the full detail of the ranking. In the detail you can see the breakdown of points received by challenges, responses and, optionally, participation in a team.


Contest monitoring

The first level of management of a QUESTOURnament is the list of challenges. Challenges are questions that the teacher or students propose and that are associated with an evaluation form.
Challenges are associated with a temporary duration and an initial and maximum score; these parameters will surely require supervision by the teacher.

List of Challenges

In the list of challenges you can see the necessary data to monitor the operation of the contest.

Clicking on the title navigates to the specific page of the challenge.
The "Phase" of the challenge indicates in which situation you are and if it is necessary the intervention of the teacher. In this column you can see if the challenge is "pending approval", "evaluated", "closed", or "in process".
The column with the number of responses compresses the information needed to know if a challenge is being addressed correctly. The numbers indicate how many answers have been received, how many have been evaluated as correct and how many are pending to be evaluated.
The "Score" column indicates the maximum score that can be achieved with a correct answer at this time.
This score varies in real time and responds to a variable scoring scheme that encourages participation.

Variable Score

Scoring is the reward for responding correctly and on time.
The score shown is the maximum that can be achieved with a 100% correct answer at this time. As time passes the reward may increase or decrease depending on what other students have done.


Monitoring of answers

Variable scoring scheme

Lhe header of each challenge shows the important parameters similar to those of the challenge.
The most relevant part of the "Potential Score" graph shows how the maximum reward of the challenge evolves.
Each challenge starts with an initial score that increases until someone answers the question correctly. From that moment on, the score begins to drop to a minimum at the end of the scheduled time.
This means that the first person who answers the question correctly gets the maximum number of points (proportional to the evaluation of his answer and the maximum reward). All those who answer later will opt for a lower score. Those who delay too long will get too few points.

Lista de respuestas

Below the challenge statement is a table with information similar to the challenge table. In this table each user has access to the information and actions that correspond to him; for example, a student will only be able to evaluate the answers to his challenge and will only be able to see the answers of the others when the challenge is closed.
The teacher has the possibility to check all the data, delete or modify the evaluations and other parameters of the answers.
If this is activated, the teacher will have to approve the assessments made by the challenge authors.


E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación
Univesidad de Valladolid
Paseo de Belén 13                     
Valladolid, 47011




Install from Moodle directory


Please send us your ideas, bug reports, suggestions! Any feedback would be appreciated.