Using QR Codes

Solve stages with no GPS coverage


Draw the position of the stage

All stages must have their own geographical area. The drawing procedure is the same as for the normal stages.
If you want a stage to be validated with GPS OR QR, draw the polygon large enough to take into account the accuracy errors of the GPS (sometimes tens of meters).
If you want to validate only with QR code, draw a very small polygon; the very precision of the GPS will ensure that it will be virtually impossible to validate without scanning the QR code.


Mark as QR-discoverable

Stages that have a QR code must be marked in order for the game application to show the scan QR code button to the user.
To ensure that users' mobiles are capable of scanning QR codes, the main page of the activity asks for a verification scan: any QR code is fine.


Reuse a QR code

In some places there are already QR codes (e.g. museums, monuments, etc.) so they can be used. For this purpose there is a button to scan these codes in the stage editing form. This interface is not very comfortable to use on a mobile terminal, so you probably prefer to take a picture of the codes and scan them in your office.


Generate a new QR code

When we need new QRs they can be generated in the stage edit form. First we have to enter in the text field "QR Code" any text you want. Then press the "Generate QR" button and a QR will be generated that you can copy for printing and placing in place.


E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación
Univesidad de Valladolid
Paseo de Belén 13                     
Valladolid, 47011




Install from Moodle directory


Please send us your ideas, bug reports, suggestions! Any feedback would be appreciated.

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